Transportation Department

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Friends,
I hope that all of you have had a safe and enjoyable summer; I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back. As we begin the new school year, please know that the Transportation Department as a whole is dedicated to the safe and efficient transportation of your children.
The responsibility of safe transportation is also shared with you the caregiver.
Here are some “LAWS” you should know:
Ohio revised code 3301-83-08
C.1. Pupils shall arrive at their DESIGNATED PLACE OF SAFETY (DPOS) 5 minutes before the scheduled bus arrives.
C.2. Pupils must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from bus stop (DPOS). If you’re not sure of your DPOS, PLEASE STAND IN A SAFE VISIBLE LOCATION CLEAR OF TRAFFIC AND AWAY FROM THE BUS STOP.
C.4. Pupils must go directly to their assigned seats. (DRIVERS WILL GIVE THEM THAT INFORMATION)
C.5. Pupils must remain seated behind protective barrier and keep aisles and exits clear.
C.14. Pupils must not put head, arms or any object out the bus window.
Please make sure your students are out waiting 5 minutes before the scheduled bus time.
Please understand without exact ridership the time will vary.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Traversa Ride 360

TraversaRide360 gives parents and guardians real-time access to their child's bus route. For more on the app and how to sign up, click the logo above.