Gifted Education
Program Information
Students identified as gifted need differentiated curriculum and instruction in order to fully develop their cognitive, academic, creative, and artistic abilities.
Students in New Richmond Exempted Village Schools are provided with opportunities dependent upon the grade level of the student and his or her identifications.
Cluster grouping for instruction in general education classrooms allows for students who are identified as gifted to collaborate together.
Differentiated lessons in grades K-1 provide enrichment for gifted students.
Gifted services in grades 2-5 in reading, math, social studies, science, creativity, and/or superior cognitive ability are provided in the regular classroom through differentiation and the monitoring of Written Education Plan goals by the general education teacher.
Gifted services in grades 6-8 in reading, math, social studies, science, creativity and/or superior cognitive ability are provided through the advanced courses and the monitoring of Written Education Plan goals by the general education teacher.
Honors courses, College Credit Plus courses, and Advanced Placement courses, provided under the authorization of the College Board, offer gifted students in the areas of reading, math, social studies, science, creativity, and/or superior cognitive ability formal gifted services in grades 9-12 through the monitoring of Written Education Plan goals by general, CCP, and AP teachers.
Services by trained arts instructors offer students identified as gifted in the visual and/or performing arts specialized instruction.
Whole-grade acceleration, subject acceleration, early entrance to kindergarten, or early graduation from high school may be utilized in cases in which the student’s advanced needs cannot be met in their current grade level. This may be instituted after the acceleration evaluation process has been completed and the acceleration committee has determined the best placement for the student. All requests to initiate an evaluation should be directed to the Gifted Coordinator.
Ms. Holly Mueller
District Gifted Coordinator
Dr. Nicole Dietrich