NRMS Guidance
Kelly Gabriel, ext. 15204
NRMS AAA Incentive Program
Welcome parents and students!
New Richmond Middle School utilizes an incentive program for students to reward good academic habits, good behavior, and good attendance. This program is most commonly known at the middle school as the “AAA” Program. The A’s stand for academics, attendance, and attitude. This program aims to improve the learning environment and increase student achievement.
Each academic quarter, students will have the opportunity to attend an incentive rewarding these requirements.
The requirements for the “AAA” program include:
Academics: The student must maintain A, B, C’s on the quarterly report card.
Attendance: The student may not miss more than 3 days each quarter. The absences include excused, unexcused, and tardies. (Reminder: 3 tardies equals 1 day absent.) Any absences beyond 3 need to be medically excused to qualify. Note the incentive is different from the district policy.
Attitude: The student may not have formal write-ups with the principal during the quarter.
The student will be invited to the quarterly “AAA” incentive if all of the above requirements are met. New Richmond Middle School looks forward to partnering with you for the 2024-25 school year.

Stay Safe, Speak Up!
New Richmond Exempted Village School District is fully committed to your safety and well-being. That’s why we’re using the Stay Safe. Speak Up! Student Safety Reporting System that allows students, parents, and staff to submit safety concerns to school officials.
If you, or someone you know, is being bullied, harassed, considering suicide, bringing a weapon to school, or has any other safety concern, you can easily submit a report in one of three ways:
Mobile App. Download the Stay Safe. Speak Up! mobile app and enter our unique District Code to submit reports directly from your smartphone. DISTRICT CODE: NREVSD
Phone. Call 1-866-547-8362 to leave a voice message or speak with a trained, live attendant. Attendants can initiate contact with various national crisis hotlines if a student needs help in dealing with a personal emergency.
Online. Go to the district’s website and click on the Stay Safe. Speak Up! button to access the online form from a desktop computer or laptop. You may also use the button above.